Kingston Mosque Update 2024


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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, 

Bismillah hir-rahma nir-raheem, 

We hope this finds you all in the best state of Health and Imaan. This is an update on the injunction case (following on from the previous update of 21st Sep 2023). Briefly, the status then was that the judge had ordered a stay to enable the parties to engage in mediation. 

Court provisioned mediation

As per our previous update, the court had ordered that the legal proceedings be stayed until 1st Nov to enable the parties to engage in independent mediation. The conditions stated were:

  1. Any mediator must have no current or past connection to the Kingston Muslim Association.
  2. The costs of any mediation are to be borne equally between the parties.

Unfortunately, the offer of mediation was not taken up by the other party.

  • The injunction would remain in place until the trial.
  • The trial is now set for the 4th and 5th of June.

We are keen and committed to reaching a swift resolution in this case and our aim has always been (and remains) the protection of our property and the safety of our staff, congregants and visitors from any physical, verbal and emotional harm that could possibly befall them when they are under our duty of care.

Hopefully, we can then move onto addressing real matters for which we have been appointed. May Allah make it easy for us and may he guide us in discharging our duties to the community and our membership. Ameen.

KMA Board

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Assalamu alaykum,

Our local MPs will be holding surgeries at our Masjid on Fri 8th of March between 9 am and 11 am.

If you’re a constituent of either Sir Ed Davey or Sarah Olney and would like to meet them, then please register your interest by emailing with the following details.

⁃   Name of your MP
⁃   Your Full Name and Address
⁃   Matters you wish to discuss with your MP

Please note, slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You will be informed if you have not been successful and perhaps, placed on stand by. Can you please register your interest by no later than 5pm on the 28th of Feb 2024.

KMA Board of Trustees

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Assalamu alaykum!

Kickstart your health and fitness with the class that brings you:

Exercises for all abilities
Learning & education
Nutritional advice and guidance

With a fully qualified level 4 strength and conditioning coach with over 14 years experience in the industry!


Every Sunday @ 1.30pm


Kingston Mosque: 55 East Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT2 6EJ

Contact Details:

Sabah Hamed
Telephone: +44 7768 160023

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Kingston Mosque Update

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

We hope this finds you in the best state of health and Imaan.

During the last few months of the previous board’s tenure, they had to deal with several disruptive and intimidatory actions orchestrated by a small select group of our congregants. These were of varying levels of seriousness and included an attempt to take control of the masjid premises by looking to change the locks and a serious physical assault on an elderly member of staff.

The assault resulted in a criminal conviction for the individual concerned. This was appealed in the Crown court but the sentence was upheld and the litigant was given a 2 year suspended custodial sentence. In addition, for the protection of the staff who was assaulted and harassed, the Board took out an interim injunction against two individuals, one of whom has the suspended sentence awarded. The 2 individuals applied to the court, to strike out the injunction on various grounds including misuse of public funds.

The court rejected the strike out application and awarded costs to the KMA Board who are in the process of recovering the costs from the defendants. At the strike out hearing the presiding judge instructed that both parties mediate to resolve the matter and share equally, the costs of the mediation.

The Board for their part are keen to mediate on a basis whereby our staff are protected from any form of abuse and our property is protected from damage. Should there not be satisfactory resolution, the matter would be adjudicated upon in the Crown Court.

Our legal representatives are in the process of finding an independent, and ideally pro bono, mediator that has no past or current connection with the mosque or the Kingston Muslim Community.

The Board of Trustees would like to emphasise that, as a Board, we take our Duty of care to all staff, congregants and visitors, very seriously. We will do whatever necessary to protect, primarily, our staff and others who fall under our Duty of care, from any form of intimidation or abuse, from any quarter. Also, as custodians of the properties owned by our charity, we will take strong action against anyone who engages in, directly or indirectly, causing willful damage to them.

KMA Board

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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ)

The KMA board would like to express their deepest, heartfelt sympathies for the victims of the recent disasters in Morocco and Libya. Our sincere prayers go out to them and we pray that Allah eases their pain and alleviates their hardships. Also we would like to offer our condolences to those in our community whose relatives have been impacted by these tragedies. May Allah grant you all ease and aafiyah and may He grant you sabr. Aameen.

Donations accepted direct to the following account:

Acc name: Kingston Muslim Association (KMA)
Bank – Natwest
Sort Code – 60 60 02
Acc No – 43276156
Ref: Disaster Appeal

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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Eid al-Adha will be celebrated on Wednesday 28th June 2023 in’sha allah.

First Eid prayer will be held at Kingston Mosque at 6:30am and a second one at 7:30am.

The main prayer will be at 10:45am, led by Dr Sulayman Van Ael and held at:

Raynes Park Sports Ground
Taunton Avenue
(Off West Barnes Lane)
West Wimbledon
SW20 0BH


Eid Mubarak from everyone at KMA.

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