
Assalamu alaykum,

As most of you are aware new lockdown rules has been announced by the Prime Minister that will possibly last until the end of January 2021.

Based on these new restrictions and for the safety of the community, Kingston Mosque will be closed until further notice starting from Duhr prayer on the 5th of January 2021.

To learn more, please read the official lockdown guidance by the government: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home#summary-what-you-can-and-cannot-do-during-the-national-lockdown

Finally, please do not forget to financially help the mosque, it has been a difficult year and these new restrictions will further put a strain on us. May Allah reward you all.

Kind regards,
KMA Management and Board of Trustees

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Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

It is with great news that we will be reopening the Masjid on Thursday 3rd of December 2020, starting with Fajr.

We will like to emphasize that in order to attend the prayers, you MUST comply with current government guidelines and wear a mask, as well as bring your own prayer mat and plastic bag to put your shoes inside in.

The community can now book a maximum of 2 places per person and no more. Please DO NOT book any spaces you will not use! Anyone attending the Friday prayer without a booked space is not guaranteed of a place.


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PLEASE NOTE: Reservations on www.playerslots.co.uk have been disabled in line with lockdown rules.

The Mosque will be CLOSED after ISHA salah on Wednesday 4 November 2020.

There will be NO Jummu’ah prayers until further notice, however, English bayans will be live-streamed as was done in the previous lockdown.

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Assalamu alaykum!

Madrasah is now closed for the summer and will reopen again for online lessons on Monday 7th of September 2020.

Wondered what KMA’s Madrasah team did during the lockdown? Have a look at this short behind-the-scenes video:

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Assalamu Alaykum!

Eid has been declared for Friday 31 July 2020.

Due to restrictions imposed on places of worship Kingston Muslim Association will hold 5 Eid Salah’s.

Eid will be performed at the following times:
6.30 am
7.30 am
8.30 am
9.30 am
10.30 am


Please book your place before attending. Confirmation of reservation will be checked at the door. Please do not come if you have no reservation as you will be denied entry. Reservation can be done at www.prayerslots.co.uk
Please strictly abide by the following rules:

1) Wear a face mask at ALL times (except during prayer)
2) Use your own prayer mat
3) Plastic bag to put your shoes in and be placed next to you.
If you do not have a mask, mat and bag, you will be turned away.
4) Strictly NO children under 12.
5) NO congregating outside the Masjid. Kindly disperse after Eid salah is finished.
6) Be responsible when parking, DO NOT park in private spaces.

Please be advised that any aggressive behaviour towards any employee, volunteer or a member of the congregation is unacceptable and the offender/s will be asked to leave the Masjid.

Help us to safeguard the community and the Masjid.

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Asalaamu Alaykum,

As you are all aware the Masjid is now open for congregational prayers with certain strict guidelines. We would respectfully ask you to follow these in order to protect yourself, your fellow worshipper and your Mosque.

Children under 12 and those with underlying health conditions (flu symptoms or a runny nose etc) should not come to the Masjid. They will be turned away.

At the entrance, you will be requested to produce the following:

1. Your email confirmation on the phone. To obtain it, please click the following link: CLICK HERE and follow the steps.
2. Face Mask – which by law must be worn in the masjid (except during prayer)
3. Prayer Mat for your use
4. Plastic Shoe bag which must be placed next to you while praying


  • Place your prayer mat on the red marker
  • Ensure there is social distancing of ONE metre plus
  • After Jummah Salah is concluded, please leave quickly and quietly from your nearest exit in an orderly manner – Line by Line
  • No Sunnah or Naafil payers to be done
  • Please do not congregate outside and allow the mussallis who are waiting to enter for their prayer slot.
  • Watch the demonstrational video: https://youtu.be/8d8Tkcfkmy8






1st Jummu’ah –  Doors open at 12.50pm. Khutbah prompt at 1.10 pm
2nd Jummu’ah –  Doors open at 2.00pm. Khutbah at 2.10pm

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Asalaamu Alaykum,

With the Grace of Allah SWT, we pray that you and your families have been keeping safe and well Insha’Allah.

In accordance with the latest Government advice and recommendations from various Muslim councils, Kingston Mosque will be re-opening on Saturday 4th July 2020 at 4.00am for Fajr.

The Masjid will be open during normal Salah times for a period of 15 minutes before prayer and close immediately after Salah.

To attend the masjid you should adhere to the following guidelines:

Who Should or Can Attend

  • Those aged over 12 years.
  • Those with NO flu-like symptoms and NO underlying health conditions.
  • Those who have travelled abroad and have completed their quarantined period.

Preparations you MUST do before coming to the Mosque

  • Perform wudhu at home (all bathroom facilities will remain shut).
  • Pray the Sunnah and Nafil prayers at home.
  • Bring your own prayer mat and pray in the area marked. PLEASE do not move the markers.
  • Wear a mask at all times in the mosque except whilst praying (unless directed otherwise).
  • Bring a carrier bag to carry your shoes into the prayer area and place it beside you.

Attending the Mosque

  • Observe to one-way system.
  • Clean your hands with hand sanitiser upon arrival.
  • Observe the 1-metre social distancing rule when entering the mosque.
  • Please use your own tissues when coughing or sneezing and dispose of these in the bins placed around the masjid.
  • Leave immediately after the fardh / obligatory prayer.

Leaving the Mosque

  • Follow exit signs or as directed by the volunteers.
  • Please DO NOT congregate outside the mosque.
  • If any member of the public does not adhere to these rules they will not be allowed access to the masjid and they will be asked politely to leave.

We would like to thank the community for supporting us during this difficult time.

KMA Board of Trustees and Management Committee.

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