
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Qualified teacher (male) required for teaching Qur’an and Islamic studies to boys aged between 6-15 years old at Kingston Mosque.

  • Working hours are Monday to Friday (except Wednesday) 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm
  • Hourly rate of £12 per hour.

Required ASAP.

Please send your C.V. to kma.madrasah@gmail.com

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Eid Al-Adha 1442

Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Kingston Mosque will hold Eid Al-Adha on 20 July 2021.

There will be four salahs, which are the following:

  • 6:00am led by Mufti Anwar Muhammad
  • 7:30am led by Sh. Sohail Hanif
  • 9:00am led by Imam Van Ael
  • 10:00am led by Sh. Omer El-Hamdoon

Musallis will not need to reserve a prayer slot but are still required to bring their own mask and prayer mat. Doors will shut once full capacity is reached.

KMA Board of Trustees.

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Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Further to the relaxation of rules by the government and amidst rising infection rates in the Kingston area, the board have decided to err on the side of caution. Therefore the following has been decided:

  1. The wearing of masks inside the mosque will continue as before. Those who wish not to wear the mask will be asked to perform their salah in open areas (the back open area and the side alleyway along the shoe rack section).
  2. There will be no more social distancing between mussallis. Please continue to bring your own prayer mats.
  3. Part of the Wudhu and bathroom facilities will be opened. We would kindly request all those using these facilities to clean after use.
  4. For Jummah prayers on Friday 23/07/21, you will not require to reserve your slot – entrance will be shut when capacity is reached.

These changes will be applied from the 19th of July 2021.

We urge everyone to continue exercising caution for their own safety until further notice.

KMA Board of Trustees.

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Assalamu alaykum,

On Friday 16th of July, we’ll be inviting Richmond’s MP, Sarah Olney to hold a surgery at the Masjid from 2pm to 4pm.

She will be holding private sessions with individuals or groups to give them an opportunity to meet her and discuss matters of concern. 
These matters may relate to local issues (street crime, litter, housing etc) or to national policy.


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