KMA BoT Candidates Meet & Greet

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KMA BoT Candidates Meet & Greet

Dear KMA members,

As you will be aware the KMA elections FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will be held on Dec 3rd and 4th.

The details and logistics of the process have been extensively communicated via the KMA website and announcements at the Masjid.

We encourage you to read the personal statements of the candidates which are presented on the website before voting.

To further assist you with familiarising yourselves with the candidates, ahead of the election, we are hosting a short ‘meet and greet’ event at the Masjid which will start straight after Zuhr prayer on Sunday Nov 27th and which will conclude before Asr prayer. The event should take around an hour.

Please make every effort to attend this short session.

The Election Returning Officers
Saleem, Anjum, Salim