Don’t delay, pay your Zakat and Zakat-ul-Fitr online!

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Don’t delay, pay your Zakat and Zakat-ul-Fitr online!

Asalaamu alaykum Brothers and Sisters,

Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana)

Zakat al Fitr or Fitrana is an obligatory charity given before Eid prayers begin at the end of Ramadhan.

Ibn Abbas reported:

The Prophet (PBUH) made Zakat al-Fitr compulsory so that those who fasted may be purified of their idle deeds and shameful talk (committed during Ramadan), and so that the poor may be fed. Whoever gives it before (Eid) Salah will have it accepted as Zakat, while he who gives it after the Salah has given Sadaqa

This year, because of the corona virus lockdown, make sure you give your Zakat al-Fitr online.

Zakat al-Fitr is £5.00 per person (young and old, e.g a family of five would pay £25.00). This money is used to provide the poor and needy with that which they most need (such as food) in time for Eid – we therefore request that you pay well before the end of Ramadan!

Bank Account details: Kingston Muslim Association (KMA)
Sort Code: 60 60 02
Account No: 69679819
Ref: Zakat al-Fitr ‘20                                 

This is a minimum amount payable per person, should you wish to be more generous, please do not hesitate to do so as it is for a worthy cause. We can collect your Zakat al-Fitr, and ensure it goes to the poor and needy in time for Eid by partnering with UK Muslim charities. Don’t delay in paying your Zakat al-Fitr!


Zakat is not just a duty on those with wealth, but a right that the poor have over us – we are “those in whose wealth there is a recognised right for the needy and the poor” (Qur’an 70:24-25).

At Kingston Muslim Association, we aim to collect Zakat funds to provide a lifeline for some of the most vulnerable members of our community, including widows, orphans, refugees, the elderly and the homeless by partnering with Muslim Charities in the UK and overseas.

There is no ambiguity as to the rate at which Zakat should be calculated; 2.5% of all net savings one possesses. Net savings is total maintained wealth for one lunar year before Zakat is due.

To find out more about Zakat and how to calculate it refer to

This year due to the Corona virus make sure you pay your Zakat Online.

Bank Account details: Kingston Muslim Association (KMA)
Sort Code: 60 60 02
Account No: 69679819
Ref: Zakat 2020